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Comment from a past student, Julie Kebbi (une élève qui a passé le Cambridge Avanced Level in English). A brilliant student with a brilliant future !
How did learning English from a young age benefit you in your studies? In your personal life? How did having passed the Cambridge exams help you?
I have learned to speak English since I was three and started at the English School. However, I did not see the benefits of speaking a foreign language right away. It helped me in English classes at school. I f…irst noticed it as being a major advantage when I travelled and was able to engage with foreigners all around the world very easily because we had a common language, English. The more I grew up, the more I understood how important it was becoming to speak more than one language in our current society. I developed a particular interest in incorporating English in my higher studies. I chose a degree where half of the classes are taught in English and was able to get into it without an interview thanks to my Cambridge exams which are recognized internationally to prove my English level. I use English in my daily life as well; from watching movies in their original language to asking for directions in a foreign country and even understanding song lyrics. It also helped me with my year abroad in Spain. I could socialize very easily with students from all around the world. I am very glad I began learning English at such a young age. I now try to perfect it and still learn new things every day. It has been a strong advantage and still is to this day. These exams are now on my resume as well and have benefited me in getting internships as well. The English School gives a great preparation not only in order to take the exams but also to obtain long term results.
Des cours d’anglais, en plus de l’école, c’était une idée de ma mère… ! Moi, je n’avais pas vraiment envie. J’étais en maternelle quand j’ai commencé et je sortais de l’english school en disant : « Je ne comprends rien à ce que dit Ingrid ! » Maintenant, je suis en 4e et tout ce que j’ai appris avec Ingrid me sert toujours… Un grand merci à Ingrid. English lessons in addition to the school, it was an idea of my mother! I didn’t really want. I was in kindergarten when I started and I left the English school saying : “I don’t understand what Ingrid says! “Now I’m in 8th grade and all I have learned with Ingrid still serves me … A big thank you to Ingrid.
J’ai commencé à étudier l’anglais avec Ingrid quand j’étais au CP. …Grâce à ses cours, j’ai été plus sûre de moi pendant les cours au collège et j’ai participé plus volontiers à l’oral. Aujourd’hui, je suis en terminale et je me souviens encore de chansons que j’avais apprises avec Ingrid. Merci Ingrid ! I began to study English with Ingrid when I was in CP. Thanks to her lessons, I was more confident in class in college and I participated more willingly orally. Today, I am in high school and I still remember songs I had learned with Ingrid. Thank you Ingrid!
De Jessie DELAIE
“I’ve had many good English teachers during my school years. Ingrid Joseph Faniart was the first. Thank you for everything”
“Ingrid Joseph Faniart a été la première a m’initier a la langue anglaise. Par sa douceur et son sens inné de la pédagogie elle a été une fabuleuse porte d’entrée. Aujourd’hui de part mon métier je voyage beaucoup et ma fluidité d’expression m’aide énormément. Elle a aussi été ma ” première rencontre” avec une culture différente alors du fond du cœur : Thanks for Who you are Ingrid, and what you have done for me:) be blessed!
NB: ne cherchez plus d’ecole d’anglais pour vos enfants : vous avez déjà trouvé la meilleure!!!
D’Orphée NANJI, un garçcon de 11 ans en 6ème à Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle qui nous raconte dans un anglais parfait pour son âge son voyage aux Etats-Unis :
My summer holidays: My name is Orphée and I am 11 years old. I have… been studying English from the age of 6 and I hope to be parfumer when I am older. This summer 2014, I visited the United States with my family and we travelled through the East Coast from New York. There, we visited museums and a place called Times Square where we could see a lot of shops, big screens on buildings and a lot of people walking in the streets. After New York, we visited a zone where people called Amish ( a part of Protestants) live without technology: they don’t have electricity, cars or cell phones; they work in the fields only with horses instead of tractors. Later, we went down to Philadelphia and Washington where we visited the Spy Museum, we saw the Capitol and the White House. We travelled to the South and arrived in Florida where we visited the Disney Parks in Orlando: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom; the Sea World with dolphin shows and the Kennedy Space Center (where we launch the rockets) next to the ocean. And to finish, we visited the city of Miami and the beaches of Palm Beach. I enjoyed my summer holidays with my family.
De Anna Sainthuile :
J’ai eu mon premier cours d’anglais en maternelle, à l’âge de quatre ans avec Ingrid Joseph, à l’école Saint Remi. Tout de suite, grâce à Ingrid, l’anglais m’est apparu comme une langue artistique, musicale et poétique. J’ai passé mon premier examen de Cambridge à l’âge de huit ans. C’était ma première expérience de concours international. Au lycée, et quelques années après, en prépa, j’ai étudié avec des professeurs qui ont su me faire retrouver cette dimension de la langue. Ces professeurs avaient tous une approche différente. Certains nous enseignaient la méthode, la grammaire et la conjugaison, qui sont autant d’outils indispensables pour écrire et parler l’anglais. D’autres parvenaient à nous transmettre la beauté d’un texte littéraire, ainsi que la culture anglo-saxonne. Maintenant, j’étudie la littérature et la civilisation anglophone à l’Université Lyon 2 en Master recherche. L’anglais m’accompagne depuis toute petite, et je me sens familière avec cette langue. L’anglais n’est pas uniquement un moyen de communication, mais un véritable objet à étudier. Mon projet répond à cette vision de la langue. Je veux continuer de transmettre cette langue et toutes les potentialités qu’elle contient.
De Rodrigue Geoffroy :
Hello, I’m GEOFFROY Rodrigue, a student from the English School of Charleville-Mézières. I’m now 13 years old, and I started to go to this school in 2010, when I was 7 years old. I went to this school in order to learn English. Because I think that in the world we live, speaking English isn’t an option; that’s a necessity!
Now I can speak a quite good English, and I thank my teacher Ingrid JOSEPH-FANIART for all she has taught us. She gave me the passion of foreign languages, although I’m actually learning 4 languages Italian, English, German and Chinese. Even in the bad moment, she was always here to help us; and I think that’s why she’s one of the best teacher! She trained us to make the Cambridge’s test and I had three times 100/100 in these tests: so that’s the proof she has a very good method to teach English. Thank you again for all that you have done for us!
De Elise Gobin :
My name is Elise Gobin, I’m a french 18 year-old girl and today I’m studying political sciences in ESPOL, part of the Catholic University of Lille. In my studies, I learn all about european institutions, sociology, economy, politics and history in english. When I was younger, I used to attend Cambridge courses with Ingrid Joseph. Now I’ve pass Starters, Flyers, PET and TOEIC Bridge tests and I’m at the present time, revising to take CAE and TOEFL tests. As a way, I strongly recommand you to send your children in Cambridge courses. As far as I’m concerned, today I do really feel all the benefits I gained by learning english at a young age in my everyday life and in my studies. It’s a long term advantage to speak english because, today, as you certainly know, all humans activies, decisions in politics, economics, studies or even trade are regulated in all the world in english. And to my mind, it’s really important to know understanding and using english for having more chance on the labour market and even opportunities to use this skill in your trips or to communicate with people you’ll meet in your life.